Toddler Program

Toddler Classes

Our environment is prepared for the Toddler, scaled to his/her height and size. Materials and activities are placed throughout the room for him/her to discover, select, and manipulate.

These activities develop focus, concentration, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills.

The freedom to explore and move around the room allows independence and builds self-confidence.

We also share time together as a group for singing and movement, stories and silence.

We spend time outdoors for work and play.

Parents may choose between:
3 Day Toddler - Tuesday thru Thursday 
4 Day Toddler – Monday thru Thursday from 8:30-11:30
5 Day Toddler – Alternating five day and four day weeks 

Half Day Programs - 8:30am - 11:30am
Full Day Programs - 8am - 3pm (every other Friday off)

Toddler childcare available from 7:00 am until class begins and after class from 3-5pm for an additional charge.

“Never help a child with a task at which he feel he can succeed.”